About The Fall Fipple Flute Forum
A Fun Filled Flauto-dolce Festival Fostering Friendship, Fugues, Fandangos and Flagrant Fits of Folderol!
The Fall Fipple Flute Forum (FFFF) is a recorder workshop held in the Seattle area in the autumn of even numbered years. Sponsored by the local recorder societies, this two day event is open to players of all abilities, with a particular focus on players who are unable to attend bigger events in other areas. Scholarships are available for participants of any age.
The Seattle Recorder Society and the Moss Bay Recorder Society offers a variety of opportunities in the Seattle area to learn about and play the recorder. Monthly meetings in the Seattle area are held September through May, and both groups are members of the American Recorder Society.
The summer Port Townsend Early Music Workshop is held at the University of Puget Sound in odd numbered years. Other nearby recorder organizations also offer events, such as the Columbia Gorge Early Music Retreat sponsored by the Portland Recorder Society, the Winds and Waves Recorder Workshop sponsored by the Oregon Coast Recorder Society, and the BC Recorder Society Workshops.